Sonntag, 28. November 2010

sick'n tired

Actually I would be in the mall right now, but instead I have the honour of laying in my bed and starving 'cause I'm sick and if I eat anything I throw it up -.- niiice on the last day of my break where the weather was sunny. Well, I have no choice.
But I have good news, too! On the first weekend of December I'm going to SAN FRANCISCO! I can't wait, this city must be so amazing. 

Yesterday we were at a Chinese Restaurant, that reminded me of the last day when I was in Germany with my best friends eating in a Chinese Restaurant.. I miss them soo much!
After that Julia,Amanda,Ivy and me had a sleepover :)

So, what I'm gonna do now? Eating soup and crackers and want this day to be over. Hopefully I feel good tomorrow, I rather go to school then being so bored and sick. 
Byebyeeee =)

Donnerstag, 25. November 2010


Yesterday I was spontantious with Sonja and Marie-Kell at the Mall and at Starbucks, it was nice. Today was my first Thanksgiving, with turkey and all the frills. Basically, we just ate the whole day :P

Tomorrow we go to the Cascade Theatre and watch a Christmas-Musical, I hope it's good. So, now I'm going back to the living-room to talk to my family and enjoy a hot chocolate :) see ya !

Dienstag, 23. November 2010

check it out

nur weil YouTube doof ist, hört man das Lied nicht was wir dazu eingefügt haben -.-
Aber egal, viel Spaß  beim angucken!
Gestern waren wir im Kino und haben uns Due Date angeschaut, echt lustiger Film :) Danach hat Amanda bei mir geschlafen. Heute kommt zum ersten Mal mein Area-Rep, bin ich mal gespannt. Sonst hab ich noch nichts vor, vielleicht findet sich noch irgendwas spontan. 

Adiós Amigos

Sonntag, 21. November 2010

sagste underwear model? ;D

Uiui das Wochenende bisher war guut. Freitag waren Julia und Alex bei mir und Julia hat hier gepennt. Samstag morgens sind wir dann nach Sacramento und Roseville zu den riesigen Shoppingmalls gefahren, wo wir dann noch ne Freundin von Julia und zwei andere Amerikanerinnen getroffen haben. Und wir haben ein Foto mit 'nem echtem Hollister/Abercrombie Underwear-Model ;))

Hottieeee *_*

So, noch ein Zitat: 
"Ein Austauschjahr ist der Augenblick, seine Flügel zu spannen und anzufangen zu fliegen. Aber gleichzeitig auch der Moment, die Wurzeln elastisch genug werden zu lassen!" 

und bis zum nächsten mal :P


Donnerstag, 18. November 2010


A few differences between the US and Germany which just came into my mind.

- when you're in a restaurant or wherever, water is always free
- same with the restrooms, even if you are not a costumer
- in school and in other public places are many water fountains (Trinkbrunnen) which are used by everyone
- parking places are always free (maybe not in big cities like NY or sth. but usually)
- people are so nice and open-minded, and even if you have never seen each other they tell you 'you look pretty', 'nice style', 'i love ur outfit' or whatever. 
- last time when I bought a pizza, and it was not on Tuesday the pizza-buffet-day, I had to pay $15 which size was like a small one in Germany
- getting your eyebrows done is at least $10 and they do it with wax
- almost everyone in my age has it's own car
- no public-transportation, just the schoolbusses (they suuckkkk!)
- you can find very nice and very cheap clothes :)
- food is so fattening 
- school is sooo easy, I have in every subject an A or a B without learning anything :D they never did a analysis or something ;)

there are tons of other differences.. but I think thats enough for today :P

aand a big difference is my art-skill! The people who know what my drawings look like wouldn't believe that I did this picture here completely on my own. (I couldn't believe that either :D)

Actually on this position would be a video, but it's not working -.- so here I put random pictures which were taken during freeperiod instead


Tomorrow I may go to the footballgame, the problem is it takes place at Foothill so my mum doesn't want to pick me up that late so far away. So if I find a ride home I will go. If not, Alex is coming to my house. She's so cute, she just wrote me on facebook: 
"awhhh i love when i see u at school u bbrighten my day!"

Juhu only tomorrow - including History-,English- and Dramatest wherefore I didn't learned anything - and then one week Thanksgiving Break! I really need this! Stay up late, sleep in long, having sleepovers and all the stuff :) Going to be good.


Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

autumn :)

Today was a nice day! During first to fourth period I wasn't in school, we went with the Interact-club to a warehouse and helped packing food boxes for poor people. We were even in the TV!
I never felt so awake in school, I went to bed last night around 9(!), I've never went to bed so early in my life :D and I had a large Starbucks Coffee in the morning and a Moccha at Dutch Bros during school, so this was my first day without being tired.. I enjoyed it haha. After school my hostmum and me went out for lunch to the Moonstone Bistro, it's soo goood there! Then we went grocery shopping and stuff.. I was at the WorldMarket today for the first time - I didn't even know we have one - they have Kinderschokolade and other german chocolate! Thats so awesome, so my parents don't have to send me candies. 
After that I went to youth group at Bethel, it was amazing as always. :)

Here are the pictures we took after we came back from the Interact thing, while everyone else was in class :P

Now you know a bit what was going on today :P but my last days were also very nice:)

Samstag, 13. November 2010


Love sleepover-parties, last night I had a blast with the girlss. The Footballgame was good (of course we won) and then Sophie,Amanda,Kaylene,Shannon and me drove with loud music a bit through Redding, to Dutch Bros and a Pizzeria. We ended up in Sophies house and camper :P


Tomorrow we actually want to drive to Chico to go shopping,  there are very good malls with Hollister,Forever21 and everything, but my area-rep (Betreuerin) wants to come over and talk to us. That sucks so bad, I hope my hostmum is going to cancel this meeting. I really need to go shopping! 
Another good thing my hostdad told me today is that we may go to San Francisco in the first December-weekend. That would be so awesome, I hope we really do this. 
Okay, enough for today. I'll post something soon :-*

Freitag, 12. November 2010


Yesterday was one of the best days ever ! We went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, near by San Francisco. The weather was perfect (but I had too warm clothes-.-), it was not crowded at all - usually you have to line up two hours for a rollercoaster but we could stay seated and ride as often as we wanted, and I touched a dolphin! I bought a few professional pictures they made with the dolphin and the characters who were walking around the parc, but don't know how to put them on the computer. So I just upload the pictures from my camera.

wonderful day

Today I'm going to the Footballgame and have a sleepover at Sophie's house :) and tomorrow we go hopefully to the mall. Good 4-day weekend <33


Montag, 8. November 2010


Hab irgendwie grad mal Lust in deutsch zu schreiben. Aaalso, heute war ein normaler Tag.. Schule war ok, YMCA war ok, und danach hat meine Gastmama mich abgeholt und wir sind zu nem italienischen Restaurant gefahren <3.
Dann bin ich mal wieder nach fast 12 Stunden erst zu Hause angekommen und kann nicht Gossip Girl gucken weil meine Gastmama Dancing with the Stars schaut. -.- Blöd. Aber die nimmt das auf, also kann ich's mir morgen anschauen. Egal :D

 Latein.. wir überfordern den armen neuen Lehrer voll :D

Heute war es schon kälter als die Tage zuvor, aber trotzdem noch warm. Will nicht, dass es jetzt immer kälter wird.. Aber immerhin bleibt mir dann noch unser kleines süßes Winter-Gartenhäuschen, mit bequemen Sesseln,Büchern,Musik und 'ner Kaffeemaschine übrig :)

Hab ja an manchen Tagen nichts besseres zu tun als sinnlose Schnappschüsse zu machen, wie z.B. heute. Hier las ich euch mal Teil haben

Jetzt habt ihr einen kleinen Eindruck wie das so aussieht wo ich fast jeden Tag langlaufe.
oi, ist schon wieder fast 11 Uhr.  Bei euch kurz vor 8 morgens :D
also sag ich mal; good night America - Guten Morgen Deutschland !