- when you're in a restaurant or wherever, water is always free
- same with the restrooms, even if you are not a costumer
- in school and in other public places are many water fountains (Trinkbrunnen) which are used by everyone
- parking places are always free (maybe not in big cities like NY or sth. but usually)
- people are so nice and open-minded, and even if you have never seen each other they tell you 'you look pretty', 'nice style', 'i love ur outfit' or whatever.
- last time when I bought a pizza, and it was not on Tuesday the pizza-buffet-day, I had to pay $15 which size was like a small one in Germany
- getting your eyebrows done is at least $10 and they do it with wax
- almost everyone in my age has it's own car
- no public-transportation, just the schoolbusses (they suuckkkk!)
- you can find very nice and very cheap clothes :)
- food is so fattening
- school is sooo easy, I have in every subject an A or a B without learning anything :D they never did a analysis or something ;)
there are tons of other differences.. but I think thats enough for today :P
aand a big difference is my art-skill! The people who know what my drawings look like wouldn't believe that I did this picture here completely on my own. (I couldn't believe that either :D)
Actually on this position would be a video, but it's not working -.- so here I put random pictures which were taken during freeperiod instead
Tomorrow I may go to the footballgame, the problem is it takes place at Foothill so my mum doesn't want to pick me up that late so far away. So if I find a ride home I will go. If not, Alex is coming to my house. She's so cute, she just wrote me on facebook:
"awhhh i love when i see u at schoolhihi.
Juhu only tomorrow - including History-,English- and Dramatest wherefore I didn't learned anything - and then one week Thanksgiving Break! I really need this! Stay up late, sleep in long, having sleepovers and all the stuff :) Going to be good.
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