Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011


My last days were not really exciting.. i went to school and to the gym;) I finally paid for my Interact-club t-shirt, after forgetting it again and again since 4 months :DD and today was my hostmum's birthday. Unfortunately she is sick so we didn't go eating somewhere (we will repeat that^^) but it was still nice. We ate good food, especially the dessert was good.. amazing java chocolate cake, special chocolate ice cream and strawberries *-* then we watched a movie and after that we talked about so many things.. our relation gets better and better :) We start planning our trip to San Diego in February, we will be gone for 5 days and I will miss three days of school *yesss* i can't wait. But first there are other things to celebrate, for example my Birthday next week, Leonies Goodbye-Party and the Winter Formal Dance! Umm I don't know what to write, theres not much going on in my mind right now. I'm just happy, I'm not homesick and I wanna enjoy my time here (:
But I'm still happy and always looking forward for the weekend to skype with my parents and my bestis :)

skyping with my mom <33

Hautaa :-*

2 Kommentare:

  1. HEY, kannst du mir bitte sagen, oB ONEWorld traval zu empfehlen ist?? und wann hast du dich richtig angemeldet?

  2. hey! wollte dir egt ne nachricht schreiben oder so aber kann auf dein profil nicht zugreifen also hoffe ich dass du's hier liest..
    nein oneworld ist auf keinen fall zu empfehlen. es ist alles scheiße gelaufen was nur falsch laufen kann :D richtig angemeldet habe ich mich glaub ich im januar.
