Freitag, 4. Februar 2011

spirit week

Hey guys!
This week was SPIRIT WEEK (Mottowoche) so we dressed up everyday. We had the themes
Slacker / Pyjama , BFF / Twin, Nerd, Collegesweater and purple (schoolcolors) .
The links on these words lead you to the youtube video which students made. They are pretty cool, you see my english-classroom and in the first my english-teacher :P
I didn't took pictures everyday, but here the ones I have:

Today we had a rally in school! (rally=all students come together in the gym and theres a program with skits, cheerleader performance etc.). It was really cool and I have a few videos, I may cut them together and upload it later. They threw a few Shasta T-Shirts in the crowd, and I got one *wuhu*. Only problem is, that it's large and I can wear it as a dress. It says "My favourite teams are SHASTA and whoever is playing Enterprise" so that you understand, our school and enterprise were the first schools here and are the biggest rivals since always. Today we had the huge basketballgame, where I just got back from, against Enterprise so I wore my Shirt even if it's too huge and now I can just leave it on cause it's my new sleeping-shirt ;D  here I just took a picture to show you and 3 more of the game tonight.

It was soo exciting! Ein Kopf-an-Kopf Rennen :D but in the end they made another basket so we lost with the final score 53:51 -.- 

So now I'm gonna eat my GERMAN CHIPSFRISCH <33333 ( thanks to the best Marvin in the world - he sent me a big package filled with my favourite chocolates and chips. this makes me sooo happy since Wednesday I enjoy a Milka-Tafel everyday :) 


I hope something good is on tv. Tomorrow I will skype with my bestis and parents :) and Amanda is maybe coming and in the evening we wanna go eating at RedRobins and then to the movie-theatre watchin The Roommate. Hope everything works out.
Thumbs up for the weekend!
Ah and another funny thing happened, "Elina oh my gosh you have a secret lover" :D so Amanda and Kelsie saw this guy putting a sheet of paper into my locker, it said he wants to meet me at a certain time at the football field :DD I think someone is making a stupid joke so I didn't go there, but I'm still curious who and what is responsible for this :D we'll see.

~SAN DIEGO; der countdown läuft! 4 more days left ~

2 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. hey elina,
    ich will natürlich dich nicht nerven, mir ist das nur richtig dolle wichtig. wenn du willst kanns du mri auhc per e-mail antworten, einfach so nee ich hab keine zeit um mich darum zu kümmern oder irgendwas, weil ich eigentlich nur die ganze zeit warte xD
    ich will dich echt nciht stören T_T
